

Synchronize your Chemical Inventory with ECHA, ZDHC MRSL or other lists to monitor hazardous substances and ingredients

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ChemConnect synchronizes with ECHA and other lists to detect hazardous substances

Connect any substance and ingredient with ECHA, California Proposition 65, ZDHC MRSL and other lists (Precursors).

ChemConnect synchronizes your centralized and cloud-based ChemInventory with ECHA and other lists.

Hazardous substances (SVHC), also if components of a mixture are highlighted (see the red dots on the image below) are easy to identify and master.

Click on the hazardous substance for more details:  date of inclusion, intrisic properties (SVHC) or conditions of restriction as well as direct links to ECHA InfoCard and related documentation, etc.

SDS DRIVE Digital Transformation: ChemConnect synchronises chemical substances with ECHA and other lists
SDS DRIVE Digital Transformation: ChemConnect synchronises chemical substances with ECHA SVHC candidate list
ChemConnect synchronises substances with ECHA SVHC List

Example of a chemical substance included in ECHA Candidate List (SVHC) with direct link to ECHA decision number document.

SDS DRIVE Digital Transformation: ChemConnect synchronises substances with ECHA restriction list (annex XVII)
ChemConnect synchronises substances with ECHA Restriction List

Example of a mixture with at least one chemical substance or component included in ECHA Restriction list (Annex XVII) with direct link to the conditions of restriction.

SDS CONNECT synchronises chemical substances with Proposition 65
ChemConnect synchronises substances with California Proposition 65

Example of a mixture with at least one chemical substance or component included in California Proposition 65 with direct link to OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) listing.

Connect your Chemical Inventory to lists

Candidate List
of substances of very high concern for Authorisation (SVHC)
Authorisation List
(List of substances included in Annex XIV of REACH)
Restriction List
under REACH (Annex XVII)
Harmonized Substances
(Annex VI - CLP Regulation)
Registered substances

California Proposition 65

OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) list containing a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that are known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

List of Manufacturing Restricted Substances (MRSL) for the apparel and footwear industry

Reduce risk and improve REACH compliance.

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of a mixture may not show any hazard statement or CLP classification but may contain at least one component or ingredient that has been included in ECHA lists (SVHC or other).

ChemConnect is able to detect the status change of ingredients within mixtures (section 3) and it highlights the substance as well as the mixture itself.

Chemical and Regulatory managers can save time on regulatory tracking and focus on control measures and alternatives for those chemicals which are critical to their manufacturing process or products.

SDS DRIVE Digital Transformation: ChemConnect detects hazardous chemicals within substances and mixtures
ChemConnect detects hazardous chemicals within mixtures (section 3)
ChemConnect detects hazardous chemicals within mixtures

List of hazardous chemicals within a mixture (section 3 of your Safety Data Sheet). The information available for each of the compounds of the mixture are displayed: Category Classification, Hazard and Precautionary Statements. By clicking on the substance, expand ECHA information and link to the documentation.

Risk status notifier: monitor hazardous substances

ChemConnect synchronizes your ChemInventory with ECHA and other lists to monitor hazardous substances and identifies any change that may occur within your SDS portfolio.

A notification email is automatically sent containing a report of the changes :

  • raw materials or ingredients that have been included in ECHA lists or other lists;
  • new SDS and/ or new Safety Data Sheet revisions uploaded to your inventory.

Thanks to the Risk Status Notifier, Chemical and Regulatory managers are immediately informed and can evaluate the impact of the update, take the appropriate measures to mitigate risks, evaluate alternative substances, and improve safety within the organisation.

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